Spider-man2 pahlawan hero yang tidak asing lagi, banyak juga yang menyukai film ini, tapi maaf gan ane bukan mau posting filmnya tapi gamenya, dijamin seru bgt gan.. hehe
Nah buat agan² yang mau mainin nih game silahkan didownload. Disini ane bagi menjadi 2 link, link pertama (harus diinstall), link kedua ( tidak perlu diinstall).
Spider-Man 2 is the name of several computer and video games based on the Spider-Man universe and particularly the Spider-Man 2 film. It is a follow up to the game Spider-Man: The Movie and was followed by Spider-Man 3 to promote the release of the third film in 2007. These games were published by Activision for different systems in 2004.
PC System Requirements
Windows 98 or better
600 MHz Pentium III or Athlon processor or faster
128 MB RAM
DirectX 9.0b plus DirectX compatible 16 MB video card
1227 MB hard disk space
Screen Shoot :
431 MB